Another interesting thing on merseyrail is how the Hunts Cross bound line at liverpool Central takes a wide swing left before swinging right yo effectively goes around the turnback siding , whereas the line into Liverpool Central just drops down to the platform from the old track bed into that went into Liverpool Central High Level.
(07/01/2017 20:37)SL64 JDZ Wrote: [ -> ]Hopefully it will be given a decent name!
It will be called Maghull North
(09/01/2017 21:27)507022 Wrote: [ -> ]It will be called Maghull North
I know - I was referring to the new station in the Vauxhall area

(09/01/2017 22:17)SL64 JDZ Wrote: [ -> ]I know - I was referring to the new station in the Vauxhall area 
Sorry,misunderstood you.
What existing stations will Vauxhall be between?
Isnt the area in the Vauxhall area called something else though ?#
(10/01/2017 21:18)childwallblues Wrote: [ -> ]Just Vauxhall.
Sometimes known as Eldonian Village
Further troubles for merseyrail passengers with a broken down train at Hooton
(11/01/2017 12:06)Gordon V Wrote: [ -> ]507028 gapped
Assistance provided from the front because of location and also no other unit on the ellesmere port branch to provide assistance from the rear.