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Is 819 still in use here or been withdrawn
(01/06/2014 13:23)cx04axy Wrote: [ -> ]Is 819 still in use here or been withdrawn

As far as I know it is still the back up bus for 886 (which is less reliable than 819).
Suprised its not been sent to Bangor
(01/06/2014 13:23)cx04axy Wrote: [ -> ]Is 819 still in use here or been withdrawn

Another Dart has been at Laird St for a while, I understand it is 821. As far as I am aware it is a back up bus if both 819 & 886 are off the road at the same time. However, I have been told it is also a 'donor bus' with some parts removed to keep 819 & 886 in shape. However, I will (as always) find out the purpose of 821.

Edit: 819 is currently of the road with gear box issues with 821 donating parts.
2425 has left the depot and it will be staying at Winsford. 2423 may also be leaving here soon.
A very shabby looking 2423 has returned to service today. It is on the 495.
(05/06/2014 11:18)2829 Wrote: [ -> ]A very shabby looking 2423 has returned to service today. It is on the 495.

The anything that moves at birkenhead and fit for service route , that is the 492 and 495.
2423 has just been towed back to LS!
(05/06/2014 16:00)b2311e Wrote: [ -> ]2423 has just been towed back to LS!

Well that didn't take long! haha
(05/06/2014 11:58)wirralbus Wrote: [ -> ]The anything that moves at birkenhead and fit for service route , that is the 492 and 495.

Usually buses with faults or ones that are recently fixed appear on the 492/5 so they can be taken off outside the depot if they have a problem.
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