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Volvo B7TL 4205 on the 432/433/437 this afternoon.
When on the newer batch of pulsars you often have to put up with that horrible alarm which
goes off when the doors are opened and the hand brake is not applied,time this was sorted out
most annoying especially on a longish journey
(27/09/2015 07:39)Penny Return Wrote: [ -> ]When on the newer batch of pulsars you often have to put up with that horrible alarm which
goes off when the doors are opened and the hand brake is not applied,time this was sorted out
most annoying especially on a longish journey

Its a safety measure , if it is going off something is being done wrong.
Yeah, what is wrong is that the handbrake is not applied when at a stop which as a former bus driver myself I can tell you it must be applied when at a stop. I think that any driver not applying the handbrake should at least be warned that the handbrake MUST BE used at stops to prevent accidents. Thats what it's there for.
6002 on 118/9 today
There were at least two Pulsars on the 487 yesterday evening.
On Saturday there was a streetlite on 2, and on 418, while 3009 was on the 487. Novelty must be wearingo off!
The Pulsars are liked more than the Streetlites.
4524 has failed at Arrowe Park on a 418 with a clutch problem. RNW in attendance.
And in relation to the previous posts about Myllenniums (note, this is the correct spelling) they were new with the intention of operation on the 437 (though some say that is not true). When new, one was taken through the Birkenhead tunnel for evaluation and unfortunately, it fish tailed a car. Back to the drawing board... Then it was decided they were for the 410 to replace older buses. When Arriva took over MTL the Cadets were for Speke and the Myllenniums Birkenhead, but following the tunnel incident they had to split them.

The Cadets were placed on the 3/A/B, now the 403, 413 and 423 but at the time were an inadequate replacement for the Atlantean.
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