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Full Version: Arriva North West - Green Lane Depot
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I presume he meant 7665 and posted his post before getting the chance to finish it, done it a few times on Facebook myself!
2551 was lovingly on the 68 today, Nawwh!
I was doing a test before posting the whole comment as I was hitting the post reply button and nothing was happening, it then done it and wouldnt let me edit, It was kind of obvious it wasnt a full post.
(14/01/2013 21:04)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]2551 was lovingly on the 68 today, Nawwh!

I've also heard that both 2574 and 2579 were on the 68 whilst mega heap 2229 joined mega heap 7665 on the 10B. What wonderful allocations aye...
Those allocations should really have been the other way round, the 10B has completely gone to pot lately with allocations as anything seems to be getting on there lately, I had 2404 on there last week as well. That one is a tip inside with badly faded seats.
Gossip about getting deckers from the smoke,any truth in this one?
That's a new one as not heard that before, that said it wouldnt surprise me as the DLA's will need replacing by the end of the year with this 15 year rule. Whether this depot would get any would remain to be seen.
A dart on the 12 was packed to capacity today at 8am at Page Moss. Every bus stop from Page Moss to tesco Deysbrook barracks had people waiting and this bus was not able to pick up any more of them. Then met a 13 coming up to rejoin the 12 at the tesco which too was packed so the 2 packed buses leaving passengers towards West Derby!! Deckers please!!
Indeed, a batch of at least 20 deckers is needed to cover the 12/13's PVR of 19 so badly it's unreal. If routes like the 432 can justify them, Green Lane's primary route certainly can!
Well why some people may think deckers are justified on 12/13 unfortunately management don't. So unless they have a change of mind Green Lane will not receive deckers.
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