(05/09/2020 02:06)SK15 GZG Wrote: [ -> ]That's correct. It's covering for the BYDs while they go away for work
Ahh right. Any idea how long?
(05/09/2020 13:59)SK15 GZG Wrote: [ -> ]A few months I believe
Thats what it was around L1 on Thursday all paint green
2493 and 2586 are currently here. The former received a new engine and differential prior to arriving
2493 tracking on the 27 this morning as well
7936 is tracking as ANW-SPGL, just left the city centre on the 12.
(06/09/2020 17:38)PAUL2511 Wrote: [ -> ]Thats what it was around L1 on Thursday all paint green
is there a fleet number for it yet
(11/09/2020 19:21)PAUL2511 Wrote: [ -> ]Excellent thanks
No problem
It's now tracking as 7936 on Bustimes and is on the 12/13 circulars today if anyone's interested