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Full Version: Arriva North West - Green Lane Depot
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It looks like GL is the next depot to have two-way radios fitted to its allocation. I don't know if they are live yet. Slightly off topic, I have also noticed that a lot of LS's deckers have had their aerials knocked off, presumably by low hanging branches. Fortunately, none of GL's routes operate along tree-lined roads. Oh, hang on...
(03/12/2016 05:58)RedPanda Wrote: [ -> ]New hybrid 4803
Credit: Phil McAliney - Flickr

Registration should be BT66 MTK
3024 is now fitted with WiFi
2473 has returned from Wales
Now fitted with WiFi are 2963 3047 and 3052
4586 was on the 18 earlier today
3023 and 3057 now have WiFi
4816 plus another at Twelve Quays, Birkenhead this morning.....I'm assuming this is GL bound after the rail replacements!
4800 - 4836 are suppose to be expected at birkenhead as there is about 14 parked up and livered up ready at the back of laird street.
4800 and 4802 are both out today on route training for the rails.
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