(22/10/2012 16:07)MX12CFE Wrote: [ -> ]Hi the commanders are loans and the cadets are permanent transfers.
Thanks for the confirmation MX12

I was under the impression they were transfers, displaced by Mylleniums (Plus there sending them over in order to match the GL ones)
2409 has stolen 2404s dest board
How is this for an unusual one, 7670 was on the 15 late this afternoon, the same bus started the day on 9's as I had the good fortune to miss it this morning. Also 2231 may have returned to Bootle as I spotted it this afternoon in the car park where they keep the odd bus every now and then
(22/10/2012 16:47)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]I was under the impression they were transfers, displaced by.Mylleniums
2409 has stolen 2404s dest board
2404's got a different board, saw it on the Belt today and it looks bolder and more like paper.
As well as 7670 on the 15, 2313 was on there this morning as well. 3061 joined in the 8 fun this evening having been on another route (14s I think) earlier in the day.
And cheers for the info regarding the Commanders MX12, didn't expect them to be permanent!
Speke's commander 2579 was on the 6 route this morning
2551 on the 6/7 today, first time I've noted this on there. Hopefully it spends more time on there, much better allocation for it then the 18!
Passing Green Lane tonight, 2403 at the front NFS, probably nothing untoward, A DLA was also in the yard getting ready to go in the wash, that's a few times that I have seen a one in the yard but never out in service so wonder why one is always there.
They're usually there for MOT as GL is a VOSA centre. Not sure why it'd be in the wash though!
Latest arrivals out today
2344 - 10B
2404 -26/27
2409 - 26/27
2551 - 6/7
2578 - not in service use
2579 - 14? or 18?
2580 - 14? Or 18?
7626 - 12/13
7638 - 68
2344 is the replacement for scrap 2403