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Noticed today that 3058 still has the Maltese web address on its rear window :-)
Are the travelling Pulsars still in service with their LEDs programmed incorrectly too?
yes some are still incorrectly programmd with numbers on the wrong side and side destinations ony displaying numbers
As I said, the X-ANC darts are awful. Why they didn't scrap them and retain some more mechanically sound Marshalls is beyond me...
The X-ANC Darts have the same running gear as any other dart... They're no more awful than any other would be - it's down to individual vehicle maintenance. Indeed the St Helens batch are fine albeit with 2209 having recently picked up some idle vibrations.

They've not been scrapped ahead of the Marshalls because they're newer vehicles and the book value is thus higher. Their company standard blue interior also gives off a better image than that which the Marshalls carry. There are good Marshalls Darts, yes, but in general, the quality of the Marshall bodywork is inferior to that of the Plaxtons. It's like any batch of vehicles however, there are good examples then there are the poor ones.
I saw 2241 X241 AJA, On route 13 today, Has this one been a GL before?
does 2431 just stay on the 13's with the same driver seem to always see the same driver mid afternoon on 2431 on the 14 but have yet to see it go on any other route also not seen the 2 ex Bluebus cadets for a while are they still here?
(31/07/2013 20:07)E208 WBG Wrote: [ -> ]does 2431 just stay on the 13's with the same driver seem to always see the same driver mid afternoon on 2431 on the 14 but have yet to see it go on any other route also not seen the 2 ex Bluebus cadets for a while are they still here?

Y20 BLU on the 18's today
(31/07/2013 19:36)R311 WVR Wrote: [ -> ]I saw 2241 X241 AJA, On route 13 today, Has this one been a GL before?

I don't think so. As far as I remember it was new to Manchester depot were it stayed till Manchester closed.
there was A 224* on loan when aintree races was on but think it was 2244 cant remember
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