Also given how many ultralows and other buses have been with drawn lately it would not surprise me if Green Lane had a few Hanovers knocking around the depot. Plus 12 months of a bus on any route rather than one route would surely be better business sense for Arriva in terms of getting use out of the bus. We have also seen them in the past spend money on buses through P&P only to be sent to scrap or sold.
(25/06/2012 10:03)ste Wrote: [ -> ]We have also seen them in the past spend money on buses through P&P only to be sent to scrap or sold.
Yes indeed ELC Dart 1264? At Bolton got done a few weeks after got scraped also the ELC Lances at Skem got done then scrapped a few months later even recently the N plate palatines got done with only 7 months between getting done and scraped its pointless tbh
I've been informed that Plaxton Pointer 2 X236 ANC (2236) was on the 68 this morning. That one was one of the worst at Bootle, in my opinion - so far, so good...!

Bootle X ANCs will not be straying off the 68 today
(There is a readon behind it)
2215, 2216, 2229, 2231 and 2236 are now based here
has the 68 already moved here?
(25/06/2012 10:59)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]Bootle X ANCs will not be straying off the 68 today
(There is a readon behind it)
2215, 2216, 2229, 2231 and 2236 are now based here
Could you possibly tell us the reason?

Oh, today! I presume once they've bedded in they'll get allocated as Dart's and not ex Bootle allocations?
Oh great, they're literally the worst of the lot. 2229/36 are a pair of utter sheds. Nice one Bootle...
Add 2216 to the sheds as well, that is possibly the biggest shed of the lot, Bootle have done well getting rid of that.
I think they've deliberately sent the sheds myself, notice how they're in no numerical order whatsoever.
Yes, well really why would they send their better one's.