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Full Version: Arriva North West - Green Lane Depot
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2407 looks set for scrapping as looks like its been stripped for parts.
2407 appears to have less damage than 2721
(05/10/2012 18:35)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]2407 appears to have less damage than 2721

thays what i think but the insides already missing its full steering column,some lights,some dash elecs,seats,grab poles,exterior lights etc.
2404 is here ready to go on pits
(07/10/2012 08:26)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]2404 is here ready to go on pits

Is 2404 here for service or just MOT? Lets just hope it's not the former!
some pictures from jackson street of 2407 and 2721

Hope these show what the damage is roghly.]
Thanks for those of 2721 MM. Significantly worse than Jackson Street's own 2713 last year then!!
no problem and any time i can help as it does look worse,guess it depends on how much structual damage is done underneath to the chasis to wether it get repaired or not.
i reckon that past repair myself like but u never no it could get repaired
2721 doesnt look as bad as reported in the paper, not really sure that it will be repaired though, I suppose we will have to see. 2407 certainly will be gone though. Thanks for the pictures MM.
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