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(07/10/2016 23:07)DLG817 Wrote: [ -> ].
A little later than expected - the third auction details are now available.

The viewing day will be Tuesday 18th October and bids close on Thursday 20th October.

The majority of the lots are equipment.

Not all the vehicles left in the fleet are included (yet). Perhaps they may be added to the sale in the next few days as happened in the 2nd auction.

Link to the auction details - HERE

I have been in contact with the auctioneers and I asked why all the vehicles still at Ruabon are not included and it now transpires that there is to be a 4th (and last) auction. It will take place in November (date not yet fixed but likely to be 4 weeks after auction 3).
(10/10/2016 16:53)DLG817 Wrote: [ -> ]I have been in contact with the auctioneers and I asked why all the vehicles still at Ruabon are not included and it now transpires that there is to be a 4th (and last) auction. It will take place in November (date not yet fixed but likely to be 4 weeks after auction 3).

I'll keep my eye on Platt Bridge. I expect given the interest they've had, there's going to be quite a few decent buses being scrapped. Sad
(12/09/2016 12:25)MX12CFE Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone know where former Ace Travel Optare Solo MX53FDZ has ended up? Thanks

Still there at GHA yard. MX53FDZ it's on Third auction listing now. DLG817 report it today.
D&G also have the 87, renumbered 99, and operated from Adderley Green.
Nantwich town services lose a journey at school finishing time. I suspect that, given that their new operators currently only do school related work, the Beartown Buses and 39 may go the same way?
(11/10/2016 12:47)mikestone Wrote: [ -> ]D&G also have the 87, renumbered 99, and operated from Adderley Green.
Nantwich town services lose a journey at school finishing time. I suspect that, given that their new operators currently only do school related work, the Beartown Buses and 39 may go the same way?

Depends if they can do that and still meet the terms of the contract.

The 51/52/53 are effectively off-peak only services whereas Beartown operates from the morning peak through to the evening peak.
My thinking was the reason for late/lack of information was sorting out things like that. Presumably all the new contract bids will have been more than GHA were getting, so there will need to be economies somewhere.
(11/10/2016 17:52)mikestone Wrote: [ -> ]My thinking was the reason for late/lack of information was sorting out things like that. Presumably all the new contract bids will have been more than GHA were getting, so there will need to be economies somewhere.

Not sure if they'll all be more. GHA appeared to win on cost for some routes but for the ones D&G likely wanted they seemed to offer a bid offering something extra - you don't promise brand new high specification buses for Beartown if you want to win by having the lowest bid
Not sure if I've seen it confirmed here yet, arriva have the Sunday 130.

Also seen the upcoming weekday timetable. Can't say it looks great north of wilmslow, some awkward gaps in timetable near evening peak.
Cheshire East have now updated their website with a coment that the Beartown service is unaltered apart from change of operator, but no mention of the 39 at all.
No sign of registrations yet, although there is a new Arriva North West registration for the 82 today, with a comment it is split from the Arriva Cymru registration.
(12/10/2016 12:29)mikestone Wrote: [ -> ]Cheshire East have now updated their website with a coment that the Beartown service is unaltered apart from change of operator, but no mention of the 39 at all.
No sign of registrations yet, although there is a new Arriva North West registration for the 82 today, with a comment it is split from the Arriva Cymru registration.

The High Peak registrations have gone through (although they are re-registering the services they have just cancelled) and Arriva have just had a second 130 revision accepted by SN.

I notice the first journeys on the 200 service are changing again - I don't know if that means the change made to allow the bus to run a morning school contract was only allowed until the emergency contract ended.

I also notice the 27 service isn't listed in the service changes but on the full timetable page it says "Service changing: 24th October 2016" with no indication of what the changes will be.
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