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The fire would have gone right up the bus, they might be able to salvage body, engine and gearbox parts. There no point in restoring it as its nearly 16 years old!!
Cheer up guys at least S879 SNB (0809) is still on the road, beast of a bus absolutely flew on the 82 when I last had it.

Good to see GHA look after their fleet as its still got the new blue arriva cloth on the seats which looks really smart!
(16/06/2014 21:55)fordsonmajor2012 Wrote: [ -> ]The fire would have gone right up the bus, they might be able to salvage body, engine and gearbox parts. There no point in restoring it as its nearly 16 years old!!

Gone from Heapy Street yard by lunchtime today. Straight to baked bean tins or back to Wales for component removal?
I cant even express how annoyed i am at this...and its happening all over the country right now to but it had to be 0808 didnt it urh.
was a fantastic vehicle to, as is its sister but i am actually really annoyed at this.
M780SL Solo NA04 GHA SL04 was todays allocation on the 82
Does anyone know if GHA are still operating the X94 as it says on the Gwynedd bus timetable the contract was to end 22/06/2014?
R226HCD is the first ex Brighton Volvo B10BLE / Wright Renown to get GHA (Low Floor) livery and to enter service. It was used as a shuttle at the Cheshire Show and appears to be based at Tarvin - photo here

Working from Winsford for a few weeks and not previously reported is Dennis Javelin / Transbus C53F - BP52XAE. The vehicle appears to have had some history with the MoD and BAE systems and was registered in 2005 with a '52' plate but appears to have been new in 2003. Photo here

HKZ9240 ex Wardles Bova has been given GHA (Silver) livery - it is still working out of Ruabon - photo here

Trident V220MEV has received GHA (Low Floor) livery but has yet to receive GHA vinyls - photo here

ex Rennies Berkhof R979PRD has been working out of Ruabon still in previous operator's livery - photo here

M688KVU - Volvo B10M-62 / Van Hool T8 Alizee - ex Hamilton-Gray - has had the vinyls removed and has commenced working from Ruabon in its all silver livery - photo here

(23/06/2014 15:45)Aarons Transport Pictures Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know if GHA are still operating the X94 as it says on the Gwynedd bus timetable the contract was to end 22/06/2014?

There Still operating it, although no ITT has been published for the new Service. Although the new T1 Aberystwyth - Carmarthen Service has been published. And the New T2 timetable has gone for ITT
(25/06/2014 19:34)Nwales Bus Wrote: [ -> ]There Still operating it, although no ITT has been published for the new Service. Although the new T1 Aberystwyth - Carmarthen Service has been published. And the New T2 timetable has gone for ITT
Oh yes I saw them. Interesting. Just the X94 and the X50 (Aberystwyth) to be funded now.
There is an awful lot of discussion going on in the background regarding the X94 (T3). GHA will operate the current timetable until the whole service goes out to tender sometime later in the year.
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