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(26/03/2015 17:03)DLG817 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes - I understand it was always the plan to have them allocated to Macclesfield. I believe two of them have been working from Macclesfield for the last week or two and that the other two will move over shortly (after Easter).

The current depot at Macclesfield is in Heapy Street. This depot will move to a larger premises within the Henshaw's Yard in Moss Lane, Macclesfield. I understand that thsi will happen at Easter.

Joe Henshaw owns several 'yards' on the southern side of Moss Lane, one of which is occupied by an extensive commercial waste transfer operation, and is difficult to access.

Another One was previously let to Holmeswood Coaches as an out station.

I'll keep an eye out for which one the GHA vehicles relocate to.
(26/03/2015 13:13)trawscymru27 Wrote: [ -> ]Ron, on your fleetlist, Solo YM52TPY is given number 1324 and YM52TPX 1325. As X comes before Y in the alphabet, one might reasonably expect these to be reversed, i.e. TPY to be 1325 and TPX to be 1324. Is this an error or intentional?

Thats a valid point, its an error on my part. I will change it round.
(26/03/2015 13:38)J200ABW Wrote: [ -> ]Be very interesting to see how Arriva respond to the changes on the 5/2v.

Obviously still the same number of buses per hour on the main stretch between Wrexham and Plas Madoc but if GHA have a flat 10 minute frequency you'd expect them to pick up a larger number of passengers than they do presently because of the added convenience opposed to Arriva's 15 min flat frequency.

Better for passengers too, particularly those going to Cefn as Vale and Arriva timed their services very close to one another, then leaving a 25ish minute gap between services.

Bus war ahead?

ARRIVA Midlands, Oswestry depot have a new timetable coming into play as showing on the website for 30th March showing an extra bus in the morning on some Cefn Mawr shorts to give 5 buses an hour until just after lunchtime and then dropping back. I seem to recall Vale Travel had retimed the 2V to operate just ahead of ARRIVA on a number of ocassions over the years.

I would not expect Oswestry depot to let GHA walk all over them as they did prevent Bryn Melyn taking the 53 by doing it commercially and the 2/2A/2C their main operation.
Are GHA with there expanding network getting themselves in a position to be a takeover target ?
(27/03/2015 11:51)wirralbus Wrote: [ -> ]Are GHA with there expanding network getting themselves in a position to be a takeover target ?

It's rumoured Stagecoach were once interested in buying GHA. Although, with Stagecoach having moved in to the Chester area and GHA serving Greater Manchester I think if Stagecoach were to acquire GHA they would be forced to sell off part of the operations.

GHA do operate some services which Arriva used to operate but lost interest in because they weren't making enough money (like the 82 route.)

While First seem to be scaling back bus operations rather than expanding.

But then the likes of Rotala, Centrebus, Transdev, Wellglade Group may be interested? Or a joint venture between two companies?
(25/03/2015 09:50)DLG817 Wrote: [ -> ]Once all new vehicles enter service YJ54 ZYA - ZYF will be allocated to Macclesfield Depot to give the Depot a more standard fleet.

One of these is on the 27 Knutsford-Macclesfield service today. I'm not 100% sure on what the last letter of the registration was though.
Seen a 15 plate solo SR in Garden City earlier it was either on service 8 or SP1/2
(28/03/2015 15:37)E208 WBG Wrote: [ -> ]Seen a 15 plate solo SR in Garden City earlier it was either on service 8 or SP1/2

Solo SR (1202) YJ15 AYF is the bus on SP1

Logo on back and sides says "GHA Coaches - Connecting Cheshire"
Have GHA changed any of their duties recently only on Friday I caught 11:00 289 Altrincham-Northwich service which was in the hands of the 27 branded MPD and when it got to Northwich instead of staying on 289s the driver had already put up 48 Frodsham ready for the 13:05 journey, so do different vehicles operate 289s now
The MetroCity's arrived at Ruabon today

1151 - YJ15AWN
1152 - YJ15AWO

They have yet to receive vinyls

As has previously been stated they will go onto the 45 / 16 service
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