Saw a yellow decker belonging to GHA on the 16 today on Lovely Lane - had a vinyl for Reaseheath College on the side. First time I've seen GHA down this way for a while. I thought it was one of Fairbrothers til it got closer. It was running empty just behind a well populated Fairbrothers Solo.
(10/02/2016 17:26)knutstransport Wrote: [ -> ]Unless the contract they have requires the same standard as for public services. GHA cancelled I think all their Poynton High School services on 31st December 2015 so if it wasn't for DDA reasons it was a strange coincidence.
The Poynton Services were not registered bus services and were surrendered as part of the plan to close Macclesfield outstation.
(09/02/2016 21:36)DK09 GXY Wrote: [ -> ]Saw a step entrance bus similar to N8 GHA (Nxxx FJO), it was on a stident transport run so not sure of this is still illegal or not
Several step entrance saloons are still in the fleet for schools, college and work contracts that are not registered as local bus services and therefore not DDA.
(10/02/2016 18:31)K10K11 Wrote: [ -> ]Saw a yellow decker belonging to GHA on the 16 today on Lovely Lane - had a vinyl for Reaseheath College on the side. First time I've seen GHA down this way for a while. I thought it was one of Fairbrothers til it got closer. It was running empty just behind a well populated Fairbrothers Solo.
It's been on since Monday now, seems to disappear every other working. Can't say I've seen a decker on the 45 before now myself. I was told by a driver they can't use deckers on the 45 because of low trees around Antrobus so I'd be curious to know if the Antrobus section is being missed out.
(10/02/2016 17:52)Katie Wrote: [ -> ]You make some good points regarding the changes to take place from the 4th April.
I cannot see that NW will depart 30 mins earlier or later than now as that would mean on the half hour which would have them leaving the Warrington Interchange five minutes after GHA Coaches! To my mind the part of the journey from Northwich to Higher Wincham has probably proven to be hardly worthwhile and I would not be at all surprised if this section of the route was withdrawn.
Do you think NW might be considering returning to the 45 route?
I take your point with regard to a ten minute service to and from Stockton Heath although with GHA and Halton Transport both supplying services on the Stockton Heath route perhaps the ten minute NW service doesn't have to be strictly adhered to.
Okay, I've thought this through a bit more, and I think that Network Warrington could be trying to cut down by 1 vehicle by doing something like this:
.... _8 _6 _5 46 _6 35 11A 10C
WARR 00 10 20 30 40 50 _40 _10
SHTH 10 20 30 40 50 00 _-- _33
TWLL -- 35 42 -- 05 12 _-- _--
ALHM -- -- 22 -- -- 45 _-- _--
ATHN 20 -- -- -- -- -- _-- _50
NWCH -- -- -- 16 -- -- _-- _--
WARR -- -- -- -- -- -- _03 _--
.... _8 _6 35 46 _6 _5 11A 10C
WARR -- -- -- -- -- -- _40 _--
NWCH -- -- -- 26 -- -- _-- _--
ATHN 23 -- -- -- -- -- _-- _53
ALHM -- -- 26 -- -- 54 _-- _--
TWLL -- 35 03 -- 05 33 _-- _--
SHTH 35 55 15 05 25 45 _-- _10
WARR 45 05 25 15 35 55 _03 _33
WARR Warrington Interchange
SHTH Stockton Heath
TWLL Thelwall
ALHM Altrincham
ATHN Appleton Thorn
NWCH Nortwich
Wherever 11A is written, half of the journeys operate as 11A and the other half operate as 12A (i.e. the 11A and 12A are 2 hourly each, combining to be every hour).
Wherver 46 is written, perhaps half of the journeys operate as 46 with the other half operating as 45 (i.e. the 45 and 46 could be 2 hourly each, combining to be every hour).
The total number of vehicles required for this would be 11, i.e. 1 fewer than the current total of 12 vehicles required for these routes.
(12/02/2016 19:02)Valandil Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, I've thought this through a bit more, and I think that Network Warrington could be trying to cut down by 1 vehicle by doing something like this:
.... _8 _6 _5 46 _6 35 11A 10C
WARR 00 10 20 30 40 50 _40 _10
SHTH 10 20 30 40 50 00 _-- _33
TWLL -- 35 42 -- 05 12 _-- _--
ALHM -- -- 22 -- -- 45 _-- _--
ATHN 20 -- -- -- -- -- _-- _50
NWCH -- -- -- 16 -- -- _-- _--
WARR -- -- -- -- -- -- _03 _--
.... _8 _6 35 46 _6 _5 11A 10C
WARR -- -- -- -- -- -- _40 _--
NWCH -- -- -- 26 -- -- _-- _--
ATHN 23 -- -- -- -- -- _-- _53
ALHM -- -- 26 -- -- 54 _-- _--
TWLL -- 35 03 -- 05 33 _-- _--
SHTH 35 55 15 05 25 45 _-- _10
WARR 45 05 25 15 35 55 _03 _33
WARR Warrington Interchange
SHTH Stockton Heath
TWLL Thelwall
ALHM Altrincham
ATHN Appleton Thorn
NWCH Nortwich
Wherever 11A is written, half of the journeys operate as 11A and the other half operate as 12A (i.e. the 11A and 12A are 2 hourly each, combining to be every hour).
Wherver 46 is written, perhaps half of the journeys operate as 46 with the other half operating as 45 (i.e. the 45 and 46 could be 2 hourly each, combining to be every hour).
The total number of vehicles required for this would be 11, i.e. 1 fewer than the current total of 12 vehicles required for these routes.
It will be interesting to see what changes take place on the 8/ 9 and 10c. I would be very surprised if the 45/46 (whatever happens) were to leave the Warrington Interchange at half past the hour and Northwich Watling Street at 26 minutes past the hour bearing in mind the GHA timetable.
(13/02/2016 10:28)Katie Wrote: [ -> ]It will be interesting to see what changes take place on the 8/ 9 and 10c. I would be very surprised if the 45/46 (whatever happens) were to leave the Warrington Interchange at half past the hour and Northwich Watling Street at 26 minutes past the hour bearing in mind the GHA timetable.
If you don't like my suggestion, an alternative is the 8, 10C, 11A/12A and 45/46 all operating 30 minutes earlier/later throughout ... but it wil be interesting to see what actually is going to happen. No doubt it will be at least a month before it all becomes clear though.
Anybody Shed any light on what buses are they likely to be using on the 84's when they commence?
Most probably Olympians and Volvo/ Plaxton President's.

Strangely the reference to the recent GHA contract awards has gone from the upcoming changes page on the Cheshire East website. Also on the D&G website the reference to the 300 Saturday service transferring to GHA has also gone. Have GHA told Cheshire East they are struggling to find buses to be able to run the new contracts or something?