Does that mean also that the 6 cylinder MPD's like V8 GHA will be staying or will they be heading for Graig Lelo as well soon? And are you aware of the plan for the older solo's as I only think a couple are DDA spec?
(02/04/2015 21:22)fordsonmajor2012 Wrote: [ -> ]Does that mean also that the 6 cylinder MPD's like V8 GHA will be staying or will they be heading for Graig Lelo as well soon? And are you aware of the plan for the older solo's as I only think a couple are DDA spec?
Apparently,according to another forum,GHA have won the contract for Shropshire route 436 (Shrewsbury-Much Wenlock-Bridgnorth).
This will take them into a completely new area,poi lay requiring another outstation?
All Dennis Darts up till 2002 had 6 cylinder cummins engines until the 4 cylinder engine was introduced. ADL still offer 6 cylinder engines in brand new buses today!
One second yes i was wrong, thats my mistake there lol, got mixed up i have *slaps self on wrist*
Also just to reply also why get rid of T112KGP or T115KGP and keep S200CBC? S200CBC is probably the worst Dart in the fleet never has been good even R175VLA runs better than that...silly to keep a older vehicle and rid of a newer one i know the KGPs are Smaller but still...
A friend of mine is a bus mechanic and he's said that VX51 PZM is that last bus he knows of to have the 6 cylinder B series engine so must be that 02 plate darts were the first to have 4 cylinder ISB engines.
Early 51 plates still carried the 6 Cylinder hence why Arriva's LJ51DCY is a 6 Cylinder then LJ51DCZ is a 4 Cylinder and just on top of that LJ51DCY is newer than VX51PZM so PZM clearly is not the last 6 Cylinder.
I believe Arriva did actually fit some of the LJ51 batch with 4 cylinders to see if it was worth putting 4 cylinders in all the batch but obviously not!
No DCY was the last of the 6 Cylinder batch LJ51DCZ was the start of the 4 Cylinder batch hence why DCZ,DDA,DDE,DDF and LF02PTZ are all 4 Cylinder and all the ones onward are the same

(03/04/2015 10:01)LJ51 DDA Wrote: [ -> ]One second yes i was wrong, thats my mistake there lol, got mixed up i have *slaps self on wrist*
Also just to reply also why get rid of T112KGP or T115KGP and keep S200CBC? S200CBC is probably the worst Dart in the fleet never has been good even R175VLA runs better than that...silly to keep a older vehicle and rid of a newer one i know the KGPs are Smaller but still...
S200 CBC has that terrible Centrad or worse LED display also which is poor to see the destination display.
Could the issue with the Marshall Darts perhaps updating them to DDA spec?