(07/03/2016 16:48)R557 ABA Wrote: [ -> ]Can't even read that GHA Coaches logo, a very poor colour choice in my opinion.
The green is a bit washed out. The last thing GHA need is another new livery!
why can't they have just ONE livery?
That Green is awful! Whatever next...
I think that livery is alright, although it would be better if the green was darker. Really don't see why GHA feel the need for so many different liveries though, most liveries such as the line9/X50-X52 on the Eclipses would be fine with just route branding.
(08/03/2016 08:20)DK09 GXY Wrote: [ -> ]I think that livery is alright, although it would be better if the green was darker. Really don't see why GHA feel the need for so many different liveries though, most liveries such as the line9/X50-X52 on the Eclipses would be fine with just route branding.
I think the T3 livery is one GHA can't influence. Having a Gold livery and a standard livery is inline with what other operators do e.g. Arriva have a standard one and a Sapphire one.
I don't know why GHA have retained the Cheshire Connect livery now that Cheshire East council have sold all their buses. It was previously used by High Peak, D&G and Bakerbus as well while they don't continue to brand routes as 'Connect', we used to have 'Connect 19' and 'Connect 27' under High Peak, 'Connect 88' under Vale Travel and others as well.
Yeah but ones like the Line9, X50/X52 and this new Denbighshire one are a bit irrelevant don't you think? A lot of the time I've seen unbranded buses on those routes anyway.
If GHA could keep route-branded buses on the correct routes, maybe this multi-livery approach would be ok. But in practice they just don't seem capable of doing it, and so to the public they just seem to have a random selection of liveries.
I think a Bus simply being on a route is a bonus... Fact of what livery it is in is just a minor detail

(08/03/2016 19:05)plannerman Wrote: [ -> ]If GHA could keep route-branded buses on the correct routes, maybe this multi-livery approach would be ok. But in practice they just don't seem capable of doing it, and so to the public they just seem to have a random selection of liveries.
With the 27 route the Dart in Cheshire Connect colours branded for the 27 route is obviously the right bus on the right route. However, the other Cheshire Connect buses have a Cheshire East council logo on the rear and indicate the service is financially supported by them. Therefore, any other bus in Cheshire Connect livery on the 27 route is the wrong bus for the route as it's operated commercially (the same is true of the 87.)
Aye but the cheshire connect branded 27 darts that are used on the knutsford route, they sorely need updating QUICK. Inside they look pretty scruffy, also think GHA could do with some newer ticket machines.
A few drivers I chat with have said that the wayfarer machines are prone to freezing solidly quite often, leaving them no option but to reset it which can take up to 5 mins at times apparently. The new almex machines first manchester use are a helluva lot simpler (according to a mate who works for them) & very rarely give any trouble.