(28/08/2018 19:43)WhiteVanMan Wrote: [ -> ]Not the first time that Stagecoach employees, have started rumours about First!
But the comments tie in with the sightings of one of the Metroshuttles at rockferry receiving internal refurbs!
At the Queens Road meeting it has been said at present no contract has been signed by anyone but that's down to tfgm but I don't know the reason. Union is convinced that because its so close to the start of the new contract its too late for other companies to train their drivers for the route. Right now everyone is waiting for tfgm
Saw 37380 on the Metroshuttle 3 last Monday (20th of August). Not in good condition and presents First Manchester in a bad light. I went to Uni in Manchester between 1997 and 1999 and First were in better nick back then. Slowly run into the ground and appears like no pride in keeping the fleet clean.
(28/08/2018 20:50)NorthernCounties Wrote: [ -> ]At the Queens Road meeting it has been said at present no contract has been signed by anyone but that's down to tfgm but I don't know the reason. Union is convinced that because its so close to the start of the new contract its too late for other companies to train their drivers for the route. Right now everyone is waiting for tfgm
Seems a strange process as I know for a fact the company I work for put a bid for it and was told they hadn't got it early August. On that basis I would have thought the contract would have been finalised by that point..
It was also made clear at the meeting tonight that rockferry is completing some work on some of the metroshuttles and that this has no bearing on whether Stagecoach Manchester will be operating the metroshuttles come October.
Does look like someone has possibly put 2 and 2 together and come up with 36 but given its September later this week you would think TFGM would get it sorted and announce a decision.
The words "TFGM" and "urgency" are antonyms.
The old First License has been surrendered
Licence surrendered WEF 28 August 2018
Director(s): DAVID ALEXANDER, Anthony Clegg