(20/08/2015 21:11)WhiteVanMan Wrote: [ -> ]I too have heard this, also that they will be going into storage at Summercourt (old Western Greyhound Depot).
Will 66906 and 69142 be staying as they have only recently moved to Bury?
According to the BUSES Mag optare Solo's 40317 (X627 OBN) and 40334 (ML02 OGD) Have been reinstated along with Merc Benz Citaros 60251 (W329 JND) and 60261 (W339 RJA) Can anyone confirm this?
35102 now back at Oldham Depot just seen it heading up Oldham Road on 24 Thornham service
(21/08/2015 00:23)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]According to the BUSES Mag optare Solo's 40317 (X627 OBN) and 40334 (ML02 OGD) Have been reinstated along with Merc Benz Citaros 60251 (W329 JND) and 60261 (W339 RJA) Can anyone confirm this?
I've had 60251 on the 472 this week, it is now in a lot healthier condition than it was last time I had a ride on it.
Only caught a quick glimpse of this after going past it, but spotted a 12xxx bendy bus on Oldham Road towards Manchester (possibly travelling from Oldham depot) near Central Park this morning, parked up at a bus stop out of service. Perhaps connected with the Enviro400 on the 135 last week.
seen 32908 and 32912 in service on the 472 and 163 over the last few days. Was wondering if these vehicles have been transferred to bury and if it is a sign of things to come for bury. Also heard a couple of the B7TL's are heading down south from bury. Is there any truth behind that
(20/08/2015 21:51)VolvoB10M Wrote: [ -> ]Will 66906 and 69142 be staying as they have only recently moved to Bury?
I don't know what is happening at Bury, the best person to asked would of been
37554BY, but doesn't appear to be posting anymore. The next best person, should be
DentonIan, if he has heard anything.
(24/08/2015 22:18)B6WOBBLER Wrote: [ -> ]Also heard a couple of the B7TL's are heading down south from bury. Is there any truth behind that
Yes, 30871-30880 are being transferred to Kernow, with 30871,30872,30874,30876,& 30879 having already been transferred.
I hope that Bury, are getting some replacement buses soon, with recently losing buses to Huddersfield, and now to Kernow
Can anyone tell me where i can get an upto date fleet list with all the depot allocations please
(25/08/2015 15:37)B6WOBBLER Wrote: [ -> ]Can anyone tell me where i can get an upto date fleet list with all the depot allocations please
Try the stagecoach uk fleetlist site which also covers First group & East Yorkshire. This has depot allocations, liveries etc. Google should find the site for you.
This site is updated by enthusiasts, (once registered) & is fairly up to date but obviously there can be a time lag with some updates.
There is a slight problem with the site at the moment in that the search facility is not working but once you're registered the "edit" facility can be used to access the lists completely. You could also then correct any entries you find to be incorrect. Pete.