I like the way that they have just been dumped in an appropriate area, the depot recycling area.
Apparently First Manchester B5 37300 has been over to Huddersfield and Halifax Depots on Evalution, not to sure whether its staying up there or heading back to Oldham shortly.
Also it seems Oldham Depot haven't had the new destinations programmed into all or some of their fleet yet as the ALX400 B7TLs that are on 412s are still running round with 64 Middleton or 64 Oldham on the destinations
66928 on the 88 seen near bowker vale with Bury sticker on the side. On hire I presume.
60379, 62214, 66194 and 66195 are all of to Devon and Cornwall, not sure what the reason behind it or whats replaced them up here
Looks like First are starting to install WiFi onto all of their fleet of vehicles, as the following message was displayed when accessing
first-wifi on an Oldham depot Enviro400:
Quote:Welcome to the First Bus Wi-Fi Hotspot, thank you for connecting. This is a new service we are offering to our valued customers and as we speak Wi-Fi is being fitted across our fleet. The Wi-Fi will be officially launched in the coming weeks so please bear with us.
(I have tried including the image on here, but it doesn't appear to be displaying).
(22/04/2015 21:18)SF07 Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like First are starting to install WiFi onto all of their fleet of vehicles, as the following message was displayed when accessing first-wifi on an Oldham depot Enviro400:
(I have tried including the image on here, but it doesn't appear to be displaying).
![[Image: 11059321_10153219638169500_8264349077824...3bbbbc000e]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11059321_10153219638169500_8264349077824551903_n.jpg?oh=942497923bd95e8c70943530324a3fe4&oe=55992CE4&__gda__=1436651529_3f9aa6d25af85a96bedd833bbbbc000e)
I am sure that I had read somewhere that
ALL first buses are to be fitted with
WiFi, by September. But can't remember where.
After 17 Years of Service R280 SBA (40406) has now been Withdrawn from Service
Most of the Renowns have also been taken out of Service, some for Devon and Cornwall others have come to the end of their Life's. Here is a list of Renowns still on front line Service
60405 X699 ADK Bolton
62231 Y941 CSF Bolton
62233 Y942 CSF Bolton
62236 Y944 CSF Bolton
62241 Y951 CSF Bolton
EDIT: List corrected!
(22/04/2015 23:07)WhiteVanMan Wrote: [ -> ]I am sure that I had read somewhere that ALL first buses are to be fitted with WiFi, by September. But can't remember where.
In the article celebrating the first year at Rusholme depot, they stated that free Wi-Fi and the real-time information would be implemented in the Spring.
From the website:
Quote:First hope to build on these successful initiatives in the Spring when Wi-Fi will is introduced on First buses in Manchester as well as real time information for customers.