Regarding the closing of Dukinfield depot. Does anyone know if the depot is owned or just rented by First? They used to also use a large yard opposite but I don't think this has been used for a while.
Volvo B10BLE/ Wright Renown 60405 X699ADK was working the 135 today, anybody know if it's a loan or transfer? Definitely interesting to say the least!
(13/12/2016 21:16)ant17612 Wrote: [ -> ]Volvo B10BLE/ Wright Renown 60405 X699ADK was working the 135 today, anybody know if it's a loan or transfer? Definitely interesting to say the least!
Surely they would take a B9 of another route and put the B10 on that instead? I can imagine how cramped the bus must had been
(13/12/2016 21:45)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]60405 is a Queens Road bus, so presumably breakdown cover. Its not that unusual to see (Bury) B7RLEs on 135 anyway.
60405 is actually a Bolton bus as of this year.
(13/12/2016 21:45)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]60405 is a Queens Road bus, so presumably breakdown cover. Its not that unusual to see (Bury) B7RLEs on 135 anyway.
As Raawwwrrr said, its a Bolton one but id be a bit angry if a B7RLE turned up and it was packed!
60405 is by far the best B10BLE left with First Manchester so in that respect Bury have got a good deal
60405 was a great bus when at Wigan depot it was second only to T845MAK in my opinion after the R-YNC's/SBA's left
60405 is back at Bolton depot, and is currently running the 519
Bolton's 69150 is at bury still with branding for the 575, Rivvy Rider
All Marshall Darts at Ashton Under Lyne are now Withdrawn from Service