(11/10/2012 20:11)VolvoB10M Wrote: [ -> ]Is there any website that has all the information on and arcives?
Not really, information comes from contacting drivers, asking drivers, making posts on forums, who knows someone, in the know, looking on flickr, googling fleet lists. Doing anything and everything basically.
Bus Driver contacts, online contacts with people connected to the companies
Some adivice is Join
Gm buses group
First groups fans
NWBT forummotion.co.uk
To start woth, a lot of info can be found on there

What is the best way of finding surviving former service vehicles on the internet?
e.g. Mercedes O405's L-KSA (ex First Manchester), Volvo B10M's M-TBV (ex Burnley & Pendle)
I had a look for NWBT forummotion.com and I could only find links to bebo.
Can shed a little light on your queries into the L-KSA O405's, none remain. It made for quite a sight to see all but one laid up awaiting their fate at a South Yorkshire breakers yard. I am quietly confident that the M-TBV B10M-55's had a more prolific life however.
(11/10/2012 21:05)K101HUM Wrote: [ -> ]Can shed a little light on your queries into the L-KSA O405's, none remain. It made for quite a sight to see all but one laid up awaiting their fate at a South Yorkshire breakers yard. I am quietly confident that the M-TBV B10M-55's had a more prolific life however.
Have any similar survived?
(11/10/2012 21:31)SF07 Wrote: [ -> ]Couple of pics from the UKBusPhotos Facebook page:
33695 with the new 36/37 branding:
![[Image: 73965_280244785421285_517182767_n.jpg]](http://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/73965_280244785421285_517182767_n.jpg)
37292 in allover Bond advert:
![[Image: 155254_280244015421362_5263759_n.jpg]](http://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/155254_280244015421362_5263759_n.jpg)
Was on this 37292 when this shot is likely to have been taken, 37292 is odds on to join 37295 at pioneer
(11/10/2012 14:32)P528LND Wrote: [ -> ]Dear lord, one bus breaks down in Oldham and all of a sudden it's the worst depot in GM! Give them a break, and considering they're Enviro400's I'm surprised we haven't seen this more. They're rubbish! You're all welcome to have them at Bury though in exchange for our B9TL's back and the full batch of Citaro's, if you don't mind.
Anyway, in other news, I'm gonna miss you old friend. Goodbye P528 LND (Dennis Dart SLF/Wright Crusader, new to First Greater Manchester in 1997, withdrawn in 2012), you were always a fantastic pleasure to ride on 
Also, didn't Optare make clear their Solo wouldn't last 15 years like the usual average? I'm sure they said 10 years and they'd be ready for death.
Hi Liam
Im actually one of the rare few, that love B9s and would never wish to see these in Bury, im delighted to see so many more B9s in the town I love and call home.
Yes of course you can have the full batch of citaros back your welcome to them

well except 64029 Love that Bus

(11/10/2012 22:07)Damien Wrote: [ -> ]Yes of course you can have the full batch of citaros back your welcome to them
well except 64029 Love that Bus 
It is a lot nicer than the W reg citaro's, I got it on the 472 today.
Are bury getting any Enviro400's?
31938 on a Bolton school run this morning!
33739 into service as well.
I remember seeing a white Alexander Dash at Bury many years ago, does anyone know what this was and what happened to it?