(24/09/2012 20:09)Benzo Wrote: [ -> ]40368 Also another dart still at Pioneer as seen on the 393. Arrow 31936 still in service too.
Surprisingly all of the 348/350's have been B9's and still lucky to see a solo 40312 on it too.
i think sunday 350s will be 53143 to 50 batch
(24/09/2012 20:23)mic Wrote: [ -> ] (24/09/2012 20:09)Benzo Wrote: [ -> ]40368 Also another dart still at Pioneer as seen on the 393. Arrow 31936 still in service too.
Surprisingly all of the 348/350's have been B9's and still lucky to see a solo 40312 on it too.
i think sunday 350s will be 53143 to 50 batch
True, can't see the B9's being out on a Sunday. Probs would be the darts and solos
33657/73 both playing out on the 8 in Bolton today.
There is a least one of the ex WY P reg Pennie Darts parked up at Bolton next to 40370 in scrap corner. Can tell by the "let buses pull out" sticker on the back.
pioneer fleet update as of today is
31948 loan
37560 loan
buses out
40135 withdrawn
40337 withdrawn
40341 withdrawn
40360 Oldham
40361 Oldham
40364 Oldham
40365 Oldham
40369 Oldham
40370 withdrawn
40422 withdrawn
40871 withdrawn
40878 withdrawn
40879 withdrawn
42175 withdrawn
50280 Chester
(24/09/2012 17:02)Benzo Wrote: [ -> ]Seems like some of the R-SBA darts are to partially replace some P-LND darts
And also seen 37465 on an early trip of the 348
37465 remains at Oldham on 83 today
Enviros parked outside BN workshops today include 33691/6/700 plus one other.
Not sure if it's happened before but saw an Enviro (33692 I think) on the 184 bound for Huddersfield this morning. Not seen any Enviros on the Huddersfield route before.
60378 R623CVR and 60405 X699ADK are now at Bryn - 60405 is now back at home! Yay!