(16/01/2016 21:50)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]No. The Buses mag item said *anticipated*. The word "promised" was never used. Hopefully, we will only be arguing over 72 hours anyway! In the meantime, another list reports that 39238/40/9 have now reached Bolton depot, although probably unregistered.
they arent just in the depot. they are registered and out on famililarisation i have already seen pics of them in leigh bus stn with the guidewheels as well. and that was early last week
Do you know what the seating arrangement is on these?
(18/01/2016 20:27)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty sure that the two tested last Mon/Tue/Wed were 39237/45 (BL65 YZD/E). 39238/40/9 were only reported as reaching Bolton late last week, and no registrations have been reported for any of the batch, apart from the pair above.
39243 is registered BW65DCO
39249 is registered BL65OXU
(03/02/2016 21:56)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks. Although another source quotes BL65 OXU as 39239. I believe quite a few have now arrived at Bolton and been registered, so hopefully more tie-ups before long.
I've seen a pic of 39249 as BL65 OXU parked up at BN.
Good to see they are being registered in some sort of order............!!!!!

Get the feeling the regular vehicle must have broken down, as Solo 40323 operated the 1738 X84 from Manchester this afternoon, leaving 10 minutes late. Normally the 1738 departure is operated by a Streetlite or occasionally a Enviro300.
Pretty sure I've seen Oldham's B9 32679 on a 507 in Bolton earlier
Some details on the new Vantage bus service (name for the bus guideway service), which launches in April.
Service will run up to 8 buses an hour between Manchester and Tyldesley with alternative buses continuing to Atherton or Leigh with service running up to midnight.
(16/02/2016 21:42)SF07 Wrote: [ -> ]Some details on the new Vantage bus service (name for the bus guideway service), which launches in April.
Service will run up to 8 buses an hour between Manchester and Tyldesley with alternative buses continuing to Atherton or Leigh with service running up to midnight.
interesting to see vantage will go to stevenson square
A range of destinations
From the heart of the city centre to local gems, we will serve:
Stevenson Square, in the up and coming Northern Quarter, with some of the best bars and restaurants in town.