(09/11/2016 01:07)ant17612 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes i've since found out about what happened. Turns out the buyer entered it before having the bid rejected!
What a clown! What kind of Muppet enters a Bus before they even know for sure that they are buying it

No bid has been rejected
A friend went to collect it to be told it will be a few more weeks due to oldham.being very short on buses atm.
Enginering manager says end of the year.
12007 put in a surprise appearance on the 471 this afternoon.
Bendies are reqular on the 471
Does anyone know how long until the 501 tender expires?
12007 was obviously on a late duty on 471s last night as it operated 19:30 471 Bolton-Rochdale service.
Queens Road's Dynamo's were out wondering yesterday with the following noted on the following services:
39214 on 100 to Warrington (rather unusual for a weekday from what I believe)
39215 on 93
Sun 13/11 Obs....
62183 on Bolton Depot.
(14/11/2016 17:14)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]Are you sure? 62183 was X684 ADK which although started life with First Manchester, was sent to Aberdeen when relatively new, and was supposedly disposed of (for scrap, presumably) from there a couple of years ago.
X684 ADK was re-registered to OIG 1790 and operated at Somerset until very recently
(14/11/2016 16:57)Squire of the Gate Wrote: [ -> ]Sun 13/11 Obs....
62183 on Bolton Depot.
This was at Taunton on Friday