(12/10/2018 18:31)Valandil Wrote: [ -> ]As mentioned on the Avon thread and linked from https://www.merseytravel.gov.uk/travel-u...Buses.aspx , Warrington will be operating the Merseytravel subsidised service 144 from Monday 15th October.
Many years ago I used to live on what is now the route of the 144 which, after many years of campaigning, was only introduced after deregulation. If someone had told me in the 1960s that one day Warrington Corporation would provide the service I would have laughed my head off.
On a serious note, I hope that they use reliable buses as getting an exchange for a failed one could take days.
(12/10/2018 19:09)Barney Wrote: [ -> ]Many years ago I used to live on what is now the route of the 144 which, after many years of campaigning, was only introduced after deregulation. If someone had told me in the 1960s that one day Warrington Corporation would provide the service I would have laughed my head off. 
On a serious note, I hope that they use reliable buses as getting an exchange for a failed one could take days.
It's only for three weeks apparently
Any info as to what vehicle type is allocated to the 144 ?. Thanks.
Looked like a cadet when I seen it.
(16/10/2018 07:20)dca529x Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you
Cadet 49 on the 144 again today. Anything bigger than a Cadet would be problematic because of some tight turns and inconsiderate motorists parking where they shouldn't.
(16/10/2018 11:03)Barney Wrote: [ -> ]Cadet 49 on the 144 again today. Anything bigger than a Cadet would be problematic because of some tight turns and inconsiderate motorists parking where they shouldn't.
How on earth are drivers breaks being done
(16/10/2018 14:00)mr t Wrote: [ -> ]How on earth are drivers breaks being done
That's a good question. Before its demise, Avon drivers (based in Moreton) on the 122 swapped over in Netherton and those doing the 144 at Bootle Strand using staff cars.
As the 144 operates between 7am and 6pm, I assume several drivers are required during the course of the day.
I understand two drivers operate it and the works mini bus is used to transport the other driver back and too.