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Full Version: Merseytravel Timetable Changes
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Very poor this 17/33 QBP, there are a lot of people that Travel on the Sutton Heath - St Helens section of the 33 that continue to Widnes and theres a lot of Carmel College Students from Widnes who use the 33 to Taylor Park, Quality my backside...
Also very disappointing is the Sutton Heath - St Helens section - every 10 minutes from St Helens - excellent but coming back only 5 minutes difference. It only takes the service from Sutton Manor to be running a bit late (as it does regularly) and the whole service will be all to pot. I also feel that Arriva should renumber the journeys which run round by Suttons (possibly to a 33A) or is that beyond common sense!
The general structure of the Sutton Heath - St Helens leg is an improvement in my opinion and much less sporadic and confusing -- even though I agree that the two routes should be identified by different service numbers.
(20/03/2015 12:10)St Helens Rider Wrote: [ -> ]329:


Updated List:

Just noticed on the 414 timetable, the New Brighton destination has a ferry terminal icon next to it, it should be one row down on Seacombe.
(21/03/2015 21:32)St Helens Rider Wrote: [ -> ]The 17/33 timetable has disappeared for some reason.

Doubt it would be taken down for something so small as this, but I did notice that the summary of frequencies listed the Sunday frequency of the 33 as being every 12 minutes rather than every 30.
It could also be that at the time of writing, HTL had yet to register their changes for the 17B so the timetable would not be strictly accurate from the 29th.
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