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Yew Tree Road is off Menlove Avenue opposite Beaconsfield Road
Starting from today

500/501 timetable
(02/08/2014 14:46)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]Do they switch Traffic lights off at night, in Merseyside?

Also, interesting to note that Concessionary passes are valid on these. Is that normal for Merseyside - even for non-residents/Council tax-payers?

The concessionary pass scheme simply follows on from 150 which was tendered as a normal bus service, likewise these aren't treated as special night services as such, just simply providing a service due to the "must be some sort of conveyance from Liverpool to Wirral in the early hours" which is understood to have been written into a local bylaw from the days when the Mersey Ferries stopped running all through the night.
(02/08/2014 14:46)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]Do they switch Traffic lights off at night, in Merseyside?

Also, interesting to note that Concessionary passes are valid on these. Is that normal for Merseyside - even for non-residents/Council tax-payers?

The reason for the quick turnaround on the 501 over the 500 is the 500 uses the wallasey tunnel outbound birkenhead on return but the 501 uses the birkenhead tunnel in both directions , fun time will be when the birkenhead tunnel is closed for any reason and this timetable will go to pot then .
List of service changes has been updated with changes now stretching into October.
There is nothing there about Avons 22. Ive heard that this is getting withdrawn, is it true? If so what date?
22nd sept
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