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Travel News Update

Planned changes between 11 - 17 November 2012

The following services are changing on 11 November:

14/14A (Liverpool - Widnes)
The times will be changed.

17/17A (St Helens - Widnes)
Halton Transport: the times will be changed.

61 (Liverpool - Runcorn)
The times will be changed.

Update - the following services changed on 29 October:

17 (West Kirby - Clatterbridge)
The 0756 bus from West Kirby now leaves at 0746 and runs 10 minutes earlier.

83 (Birkenhead - West Kirby)
The 0715 bus from Birkenhead Bus Station now leaves at 0705 and runs 10 minutes earlier.
Valid from 9th December 2012:

350/210/241/250 (Liverpool - Maghull (Ashworth Hospital))
Route 350: Monday to Saturday buses from Liverpool at 1940, the Monday to Friday bus from Maghull at 1842 and the Saturday bus from Maghull at 1846 are withdrawn.
The Saturday times of buses from Maghull to Liverpool are changed.
(All other services are unchanged.)

Valid from 17th December 2012:

602/603 (Newton Community Hospital - Ashton or Ashton Heath)
Route 603: the times are changed.
(Route 602 is unchanged.)

Difficult to find new timetables on the new set up (the RSS feed currently has just shown two new ferry timetables and two Wirral schoolbus ones so finding proper ones requires just looking, based on VOSA info) so apologies for these not always being in the correct order!

One solution I have found is searching for 1, then 2, then 3 etc up to 9, then E, X, C which should bring up most timetables but this isn't failsafe - I notice some timetables are still missing, such as the 899 timetable. The 899 is covered in the 897/898 one but still, it should come up after searching for 899 which it doesn't!
I just feel sorry for the general public trying to navigate around this new set up.
I really would love to know who designed this website it is not straightforward like the previous incarnation of the website , was it just changed so that somebody could say i did that .
Yes it's awful - and so un-user friendly. It would help if the maps weren't a year out of date - the old site was so much easier to use. If you're listening and watching Merseytravel take note and please give us theold site back.
I've tried using the new Merseytravel timetable search on my Mobile, using both Mobile & non Mobile formats & it's awful, i type in the route number & select search, & just goes to the timetable search page, & the timetable i want for downloading does not appear. The old site especially for bus timetables was so much better & easier to use, well was for me.
Anyone know whats going on with Ace travel? They changed the times of the 4&5 maghull circulars again on monday 5th nov but no new timetable has been produced this is the 3rd time these services have been changed since oct 7th buses seem to just turn up now whenever.
(09/11/2012 12:06)MX12CFE Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone know whats going on with Ace travel? They changed the times of the 4&5 maghull circulars again on monday 5th nov but no new timetable has been produced this is the 3rd time these services have been changed since oct 7th buses seem to just turn up now whenever.

I actually think merseytravel are probably now struggling to catch up and if there is a further change in the pipeline they will be loathe to waste a print run.
Christmas and New Year Public Transport 2012 - 2013

As a quick review, Stagecoach as expected are running almost every Christmas Day contract with the exception of the 194X.19% which is to be operated by Widnes Commercial Motors!
(14/11/2012 15:42)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]Christmas and New Year Public Transport 2012 - 2013

As a quick review, Stagecoach as expected are running almost every Christmas Day contract with the exception of the 194X.19% which is to be operated by Widnes Commercial Motors!

Really annoying yet again, apart from 450 there's no bus service Boxing Day & New Years Day evening.Hammer
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