6/6E Liverpool – Huyton
Arriva service is withdrawn.
7/7A/7E Liverpool – Huyton or Warrington
All journeys are numbered 7, with Saturday and Sunday daytime journeys extended with all now running between Liverpool and Warrington. Times are changed.
Also of note the E/SU 52s are extended to Old Roan
Arrivas early morning 192s are now 217s:
Variation Accepted by SN: Operating between Halewood, Church road and Kirkby Merseyrail Station given service number 217 effective from 25-Jul-2016. To amend Route and Timetable.
Sort of related question......Why are there no timetable stands in the St Helens Travel Shop?
It's recently gone through a refurb but the stands have not this the way to go?
(03/07/2016 10:50)moreton407 Wrote: [ -> ]Sort of related question......Why are there no timetable stands in the St Helens Travel Shop?
It's recently gone through a refurb but the stands have not this the way to go?
I think the reside behind the counter now on the shelves.
That way they dont have to print as many , as less people would be inclined to go to the counter and ask for them.
New 217/227 timetable is finally available :-)
192/193 Walton or Kirkby - Halewood, Fazakerley, Kirkby or Huyton - Halewood
217/227 Kirkby Circulars
Stagecoach daytime Route 217 and 227 journeys are retimed.
Evening and Sunday Route 192 journeys are withdrawn but replaced by Merseytravel 217 and 227 journeys which
operate between Kirkby Bus Station and Halewood via Huyton, no longer serving Kirkby Merseyrail station.
The Evening and Sunday journeys are also rerouted to serve the Longview area. Times are changed.
Former Route 356 Monday to Friday morning journeys are replaced by Route 217 and 227 journeys.
Daytime Route 193 journeys are withdrawn, but service 163/263 is extended to Huyton Bus Station (full details to follow).