The headrests is what I dont see the point in as really if you are over a certain height they make little difference, like I said I wasnt on it long to really see if they were more comfortable. Obviously, I know they are only on loan, if I remember rightly we had the odd B10M-55 with the same seats.
Did the Streetlite Demo ever see service here or was it just an evaluation for Stagecoach Merseyside incase of something in the future?
34680 (PX54 EJU)?? DartSLF/Pointer2 seen on route 20 yesterday.
(02/08/2012 20:59)27701 Wrote: [ -> ]At the moment, the following buses have been reported as in Gillmoss' fleet and in service (either permanent or just on loan):
- PX59 AZJ (24121)
TransBus Pointer 2s or Alexander Dennis Pointer 2s:
- PX04 HTU (34616)
- PX04 HTV (34617)
- PX04 HTY (34619)
- PX05 EKV (34686)
I noticed 34688 (if I remember correctly) recently as well
I have just had 34687 on the 53 which is another loan dart, this is a very tidy example and looks like it seats have had a re-trim lately.
24121 and 24122 on the 10A today.
Managed to ride the latter
So Stagecoach will be starting the P+R 22/23 services from September... 4 extra buses per hour into Liverpool for Fazakerley and Walton.
This is good news for the 20/21 corridor which suffers from poor capacity.
However, what is the intended point of this Park and Ride scheme? It is no good for commuters, as the services start too late in the morning. If there are 2 people in the car, then you've got to pay £8.00ish on bus fares, which then outweighs the cost & convenience of parking in the City Centre.
Really think that the Park and Ride should be limited stop (Gilmoss, Fazak Hosp, Walton Church, City Centre), start around 7.45am, and have special (lower) fares. The likes of Merseytravel/Councils should be supporting this type of scheme to reduce traffic in town.
So the question is, what's the point?
1) To improve capacity on 20/21? If so, it would be cheaper to just bring in deckers.
2) To offer Park and Ride? Well, the bus doesn't exactly go a very direct route into town, is expensive by comparison and Gilmoss Park and Ride seems just a convenient place to terminate.
I applaud new services being introduced and tried, but it's not great seeing them withdrawn a few months later.
For this Gillmoss P&R I really dont see the point, you might as well go and get a 19 as it is not going to take any longer from there, I suspect that this service may not last that long but we will see.
On what land at gillmoss is this P&R ?
it's over the road from the depot at the junction with the East Lancs