A freshly painted Optare solo was also on the 204 today , 06 registered I think.. They may not be my favourite bus but those Dennis Darts have stood the test of time quite admirably
Depends how well they are looked after and what work they do. To be fair Stagecoach vehicles are normally quite well turned out. Incidentally passing the depot tonight, noticed a gold solo in the yard, no idea which one as was driving.
Is the 204 being operated commercially or subsidised by Merseytravel?
Dart 34814, Solos 47341 and 47709 were all on the 204 this morning
34804 was the fourth one out today.
Solo 47341 is very nice, perfect bus for the route!
Dart 34803 PX55EGY was out on 204 today, first time I've seen this one out myself since middle of last year.
(23/04/2018 22:49)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]Depends how well they are looked after and what work they do. To be fair Stagecoach vehicles are normally quite well turned out. Incidentally passing the depot tonight, noticed a gold solo in the yard, no idea which one as was driving.
Sorry I didn't spot this earlier, the gold Solo was 47516 TSU641 - I think it was just in for some work on it.
27715 was on the 204 today. This is the first time that I have seen an Enviro300 on the route but I understand that one was out yesterday.