It is silly when you have say for example a 10A branded bus on a 19 when you have on unbranded bus on 10A, it is daft. Really it can't be down to vehicle faults every time it happens either, so allocator must have been smoking something at times.
(22/03/2014 22:12)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]It is silly when you have say for example a 10/10A branded bus on a 19 when you have on unbranded bus on 10A, it is daft. Really it can't be down to vehicle faults every time it happens either, so allocator must have been smoking something at times.
There was a 10A branded one on the 82 today as well (27718)
(22/03/2014 22:21)Arriva3137 Wrote: [ -> ]There was a 10A branded one on the 82 today as well (27718)
I did mention that in post 1242, but thanks for confirming its fleet-number!
(22/03/2014 22:12)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]It is silly when you have say for example a 10A branded bus on a 19 when you have on unbranded bus on 10A, it is daft. Really it can't be down to vehicle faults every time it happens either, so allocator must have been smoking something at times.
Depends what order vehicles are parked up in the lanes at Gillmoss for initial run out, plus how many have little niggles that need sorting before service can start.
There was more Enviro300's on North Liverpool routes and more Darts on 82/6 today than usual. Im guessing it was because of the Everton match.
(12/02/2014 16:35)507009 Wrote: [ -> ]27768 was involved in a crash this lunchtime on Mount Pleasant in Waterloo (article gets the location wrong). Some injuries have been reported. Best wishes to those involved for a speedy recovery.
27768 is back on the road today, freshly repaired and repainted, on route 53.
Hope all involved in this nasty accident have fully recovered by now.
Spotted Dart 33100 (didn't know it was at GM) is on the 17/19 today
(25/03/2014 10:36)jtd508110 Wrote: [ -> ]Spotted Dart 33100 (didn't know it was at GM) is on the 17/19 today
One that was with Stagecoach Manchester, MX04AXR.
Do Gm still have the ex Scotland Chester Dart, I'm a bit surprised to find this 33100 here, it seems likes dart merry go round at the moment for gm.