I'm on X3 for a bit Monday afternoon, might get to drive one of these in service (I have driven one before however as vehicle familiarisation) though I've only driven a Versa once too so I don't mind but I agree, the Esteems aren't bad to drive - they rattle more than most other SC buses I found though!
The rattling is the only downside to them really. Interiors arent the tidiest but they are coming up to 10 years old. They dont half pull away and are great to drive. Majority of the rattling comes from them service hatches on the ceilings by the cab door. Would always take an old Scania over these new things. The schools might be back Monday so may not be out on X3 until half term in Febuary now.
(03/01/2016 20:08)PO59 MXJ Wrote: [ -> ]The rattling is the only downside to them really. Interiors arent the tidiest but they are coming up to 10 years old. They dont half pull away and are great to drive. Majority of the rattling comes from them service hatches on the ceilings by the cab door. Would always take an old Scania over these new things. The schools might be back Monday so may not be out on X3 until half term in Febuary now.
Do they get on the X3 on Saturdays and whats the reliability like?
The rattling is down to East Lancs legendary build quality!
I suspect is also has the useful side effect of allowing water to escape rather than getting trapped in voids...
(03/01/2016 20:12)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]Do they get on the X3 on Saturdays and whats the reliability like?
Now and again youll see them out on a Saturday, think it depends on who the allocator is. Usually pretty reliable. I know that 28514 got pulled off the road last week, dont know what for but must of been minor because it wasnt with engineering for long.
According to a contact of mine Stagecoach 25225 is currently out today on 86/86Cs rather an odd working for a Versa
(04/01/2016 09:56)M60lad Wrote: [ -> ]According to a contact of mine Stagecoach 25225 is currently out today on 86/86Cs rather an odd working for a Versa
A very rare bird indeed on the south side of the city.
Feel sorry for anyone who has to use that, awful Buses
Not a bad bus speed wise
Suspension wise terrible ive got it till 14.00
and tbh it cant come quick enough
Feels as though the nearside spring has outdone its job.