Not sure what the plan for it is as yet - we'll know soon enough I hope!
Although I didn't ride any GM routes last Saturday, all the double-decks I saw on east Liverpool routes were Enviro 400-MMCs. I doubt whether many if any Scania - Enviro400s even run on Saturdays now (apart from MMC examples on route X2).
The Scanias are out most Saturdays, given they use MANs regularly on a Saturday this is no real surprise.
(02/10/2021 19:06)Metroline1511 Wrote: [ -> ]Although I didn't ride any GM routes last Saturday, all the double-decks I saw on east Liverpool routes were Enviro 400-MMCs. I doubt whether many if any Scania - Enviro400s even run on Saturdays now (apart from MMC examples on route X2).
As long as I can remember, the oldest - and in this case the thirstiest - buses are always left unused whenever the PVR is reduced at the weekend.
Thank you both for your replies. I admit that I probably only saw a minority of Stagecoach buses, as it was mainly Arriva territory I concentrated on.
If I want to ride one I can make sure my next visit is midweek.
Next bus in for repaint is ADL Enviro400MMC 10572 SN16OTJ - Rubbed down at Gillmoss so should be off to Rock Ferry soon for painting!
(07/10/2021 00:47)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]Next bus in for repaint is ADL Enviro400MMC 10572 SN16OTJ - Rubbed down at Gillmoss so should be off to Rock Ferry soon for painting!
has anything else been repainted recently?
(07/10/2021 01:36)callum101 Wrote: [ -> ]has anything else been repainted recently?
The last bus to return from repaint was Dart 34810 - Solo 47330 and Scania 15585 were the last ones before that I think
10572 is now back from repaint - pretty much the same as 10569 but with black above the rear top window, a bit less blue on the front and black around front reg plate
I'll upload my photo of it to Flickr soon!
Poppy Bus 10534 has gone on loan to Preston for 6 weeks so Gillmoss has Scania N230UD/ADL Enviro400 15473 PX09AXC on on loan as its replacement.