I'm surprised to see that a couple of Enviro400s have arrived from Preston. Are they additional to the seven Tridents from Stagecoach West or has there been a change of plan?
Well so far only 5 Tridents have shown up havnt they. So the 2 Enviros make it 7 deckers. Nice Tridents them though, really nice. Not a rattle or idle vibration from 18441.
Dennis Trident 17201 V201 MEV managed to get out on 19 lates!
19031 is out on the 14A today.
Does anyone know why Gillmoss have seemed to change their decker allocation from the 82/86 to the 14?
14-branded 24130 is on the 10A! Noticed that 27704 and 27705 have been debranded lately too.
So has 24131.
At the beginning of the year, you would always find a couple of deckers on the 217/2227 but now you dont. Things seem to be constantly changing. The 14s do need the deckers though to be fair, probably more than the 86s, due to the fact they arent as frequent. That extra couple of minutes doesnt half effect loadings.
The deckers may well go back to the 86's once the Schools/Universities are back - possibly just a summer time arrangement?
Am led to understand that one duty on the 217/227 is Decker Operated in the College Term due to high demand of College Kids going to Huyton College
(21/08/2015 23:03)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]Am led to understand that one duty on the 217/227 is Decker Operated in the College Term due to high demand of College Kids going to Huyton College
No deckers on that route sinse around March