Funnily enough one passed me today, didn't get the reg number but it sounded very healthy, no fan or anything, sounded similar to one of Haltons ELCs, very voith-y! Not sure whether this was it or just mere co-incidence, either way, the trident I seen sounded spot on!
Have to say they do look after them Tridents like they are there own. All the wheel trims modern moquette & now with one being fitted with a Euro 4 engine in, suppose its because it's manageable having 9 double decks to look after really !
Hardly! All the conversion work was done at Lillyhall depot, and I think the trims were put on there too.
The re-engineing program will have been somewhat forced on Gillmoss I imagine; no doubt they weren't happy with reliability, and are unwilling/unable to aquire newer, so have been told by HO to get reconditioned engines put in.
Really, they're not putting these engines in because they like the tridents, more because its the best way to polish a turd they can't get rid of (for now).
No doubt the various QBP requirements and the desire to have a fully compliant fleet for operational convenience are also playing a part.
Just had 34788 on the 53 when just before I got off at Bootle Strand there was a loud crack and driver was wondering what it was. Anyway, he has now pulled it up at the stop after and is parked there, the sound wasnt from the engine but could be a chassis issue as the noise seemed to come from the middle of the bus, had a quick look when I got off and nothing seemed to be odd about the bus.
one of there tridents sounds like a pulsar but cant remember which one it is.
(29/08/2012 00:50)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]Hardly! All the conversion work was done at Lillyhall depot, and I think the trims were put on there too.
The re-engineing program will have been somewhat forced on Gillmoss I imagine; no doubt they weren't happy with reliability, and are unwilling/unable to aquire newer, so have been told by HO to get reconditioned engines put in.
Really, they're not putting these engines in because they like the tridents, more because its the best way to polish a turd they can't get rid of (for now).
No doubt the various QBP requirements and the desire to have a fully compliant fleet for operational convenience are also playing a part.
Hmm! So really it's a snide way to keep the passengers onside really! Had me fooled
Again, not really. You'd expect new seats and wheeltrims in as part of the single door conversion.
Passengers don't care about the engine (so long as it works!); replacing it is more to keep the planners and fitters at Gillmoss happy.
33179 is on the 10A today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be fair 33179 on the 10A is nowhere near as bad as Arriva's marshalls on the 10B, plus as said many times before we will see some unusual allocations whilst the Enviro300's are away.
Plus, it's much better than a 55 plate Dart in terms of capacity!