Although the bus service to Blackpool South still finishes in February in open train times, the Colne-Preston trains are dated until March, suggesting the earlier re-opening to Kirkham is in doubt.
319370 was in service yesterday but I understand it failed on the 1320 LIV-MCV and was replaced on the 1620 by 319363.
(07/09/2017 08:18)mikestone Wrote: [ -> ]Although the bus service to Blackpool South still finishes in February the Colne-Preston trains are dated until March, suggesting the earlier re-opening to Kirkham is in doubt.
Flyers in the window of the office on P.2 at Preston don't suggest any doubt on Blackpool South being open in February, but do refer to services running to York, Victoria, Manchester Airport and Preston when North reopens, perhaps suggesting Hazel Grove-Preston will be emu by then?
(08/09/2017 05:13)childwallblues Wrote: [ -> ]319370 was in service yesterday but I understand it failed on the 1320 LIV-MCV and was replaced on the 1620 by 319363.
How many 319s are in service now?
(09/09/2017 14:24)Y474 KNF Wrote: [ -> ]23 units
With 17 units in service, there are 6 spares in case one of the 17 units breaksdown.
(09/09/2017 15:49)boby32 Wrote: [ -> ]With 17 units in service, there are 6 spares in case one of the 17 units breaksdown.
That's a rate of over 1 spare per 3 units required for service!

Just to remind everyone that the new timetable starting from 10/12/2017 is available on RTT.
319424 is in service today.
(13/09/2017 15:23)childwallblues Wrote: [ -> ]319424 is in service today.
It did a test run Allerton depot to Allerton depot 2 days ago