I never rode 1055 but 1048 was definitely the better one, 1044 was horrible when I rode it the other day, bounced me a good few inches into the air at multiple times! A shadow of its former self.
Is there any certainties about the future of any of the ones left at Jackson Street? (Preservation (I can hope and pray!), re-sale for further service, scrap etc...)
well if 1044 did get withdrawn thats it then, it will count as the last one standing as it was the only 1 out yesterday
1044 was parked up on the front fench this morning from were it was parked last night, i'm pritty sure it has had the ticket machine removed.
On different notes, dart 2328 is out on the 10's and two more solo sr's have entered service those being 720/21.
Two more Solo SRs sitting by the front fence today, I couldn't ID them though as I was too far away in the parents car.
And since when has 2211 been as awful as it is now? that bus is just a cacophony of migraine-inducing bangs, vibrations and rattles.
724 and 725 were on the front fence when i left work tonight, they will probably receive their CCTV equipment tomorrow. This work is being carried out on the front yard at present.
Ouch S848 RJC was on the 10's Sth77 I wounder was this on one of the 2 boards that leave the depot around 2 where any bus gets chucked on Motor Mayhem might know or Tiny Tears
(02/08/2012 20:45)P450 SWX Wrote: [ -> ]Ouch S848 RJC was on the 10's Sth77 I wounder was this on one of the 2 boards that leave the depot around 2 where any bus gets chucked on Motor Mayhem might know or Tiny Tears
2328 arrived back in St Helens Town Centre around 10:40 this morning on a 10 from Liverpool. It looked as though it was going back out on the 10's as the new driver boarded but it was still there 20 mins later, so I am presuming it was changed for something else (possibly 3024) but I am not certain.
Just wondering, I had 1055 on the 1020 34 out of Leigh on Monday. Can anyone confirm that this was the last Scania/Paladin out of Leigh? The postings of sightings following this only show 1044/8 making appearances on the 89.
how many of the new solos are in service please