The 34/34a are having severe delays/cancellations this afternoon. Due to an accidebt on Newton Road. I know from observations that both the 1400 and 1420 departures frim Leigh were cancelled.
7627 as now been withdrawn.
Currently on 2314 on 32
Bit sluggish but good ride
2314 is the worst i think as it was sluggish,cold and not nice to drive.
Just seen 2314 displaying 'sorry not in service' heading down Corporation Street towards Jackson Street. Could this have been it's last journey in St Helens?
2314 on the 360 this evening. Replaced 2709 which ended up on the 32's. 3025 on the 37/8 and a SR and 2496 on long 360's.
Thanks for the sighting of 2314. Really thought it running in so early would have been the end.
No problem, it started its day on the 31 this morning. Clearly didn't last very long though!
Wish it was the end for it as its not the best one out of the PNB darts.
Im hoping to come down to the NW today so any gen on 2314's working would be gratefully received...
Thanks in advance.