For the record, 1 board operates the first 920, then it goes straight onto 10's. I had 1 board at 1600 today, and 4620 was allocated. There is a note on the board saying ' beware 14ft 3 bridge '. As the deckers are 13ft 10 high, this bridge should'nt be a problem. MM, when your on earlies, check the run out and see what 1 board gets allocated first thing ;-).
Pulsar 2975 Done 10 lates tonight, i even think its on the last 10 of the day
I also note that the 17 (and maybe 33) are going QBP with Halton, i hope this does not mean that Thatto Heath and Sutton Heath lose their Buses to Widnes as a fair few people use this service for College, Work and for the Widnes Market!
I stand corrected as just been told that the 10A that comes off the 156 in a morning is the one that will stay single deck operated so thanks TT
Regarding the deckers on the busier 89s what time/s do these journies leave St Helens & John Lennon Airport respectively as I'll look out for them when I'm out and about
St helens 1 will be:
05:40 , 08:25 , 11:10 , 13:50 , 16:35 , 19:20 , 21:50
Sthelens 2 will be :
07:25 , 10:10 , 12:50 , 15:30 ,18:20 , 20:50 , 23:20
Airport 1 will be :
07:07 , 09:52 , 12:32 , 15:12 , 18:00 , 20:35 , 23:05
Airport 2 will be :
06:07 , 08:52 , 11:32 , 14:12 , 16:55 , 19:35 , 22:05
Thats if the running boards i got told are correct should be these times as 2 are out today i believe.
(03/02/2015 09:50)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]St helens 1 will be:
05:40 , 08:25 , 11:10 , 13:50 , 16:35 , 19:20 , 21:50
Sthelens 2 will be :
07:25 , 10:10 , 12:50 , 15:30 ,18:20 , 20:50 , 23:20
Airport 1 will be :
07:07 , 09:52 , 12:32 , 15:12 , 18:00 , 20:35 , 23:05
Airport 2 will be :
06:07 , 08:52 , 11:32 , 14:12 , 16:55 , 19:35 , 22:05
Thats if the running boards i got told are correct should be these times as 2 are out today i believe.
4618 is the one on St Helens 1 times today.
3618 on the 89
3023_3026 still in service round
Not many b10ble so presume gone
With maybe 2237 withdrawn and 2557 going sthelens could be short
Do we know if 2557 is a full time move? Only 2214 went there not long ago on loan and they have got Buses on loan from other places as well