As the B10BLEs make up a large portion of 89 and 352 allocations, I should think that Pulsars would be appropriate for their replacement. As for Darts, as long as all goes well with the current batch, I suspect more Solo SRs! This is obviously pure speculation though.
Can anyone who sees or finds out the allocations of any Paladins or soon to be withdrawn Darts for tomorrow before about half past 9 post them please, I'm out looking for them so it would make it easier for me if I know where to look!
Many thanks in advance!

Was in St. Helens earlier today. Saw new Solos 711-3/5 in service along with 710 on driver familiarisation duties.
Of the older stuff, Paladin 1055 worked the 0925 34 to Leigh and 1020 return, before doing a return 34A. On arrival at Bickerstaffe Street, it was replaced by Dart SLF 7561 on the 1225 Leigh & ran empty to depot. Paladin 1048 was on 89s (0930 departure I think). On return to St. Helens, it was replaced by 2713 and it ran empty to depot a few minutes behind 1055. Paladin 1044 was also on 89s and worked 1410 St. Helens to JLA and 1532 return.
Of the Dart SLFs, 7560/70 were on 33s, 7561 replaced 1055 on 34s, 7563 was on 31s and 7571 and 2298 were on 20s.
All from personal observation; hope of some interest!!
oh yea 2298 is last pointer 1 left at SH depot

Were 2101/2 Witdawn then?
yes 2102 was withdrawn a few days back due to it leaking fuel
today i been informed of the following
solo SR is on the 35/35A
2298 is on the 329 so the pointer 1 lives on
credit R411 XFL? while he was stood in bus station this morning
Ill definitely be going on 2298 then, on possibly my favourite SH route as well! Cheers BBB/R411!
Just going home on the bus from widnesstopped at suttonmanor for a new solo 718 got on the bus and got. A free weekly ticket of wish. Fm