(12/02/2013 23:50)Wright Eclipse Wrote: [ -> ] (12/02/2013 22:56)WhiteVanMan Wrote: [ -> ] (12/02/2013 21:11)Benzo Wrote: [ -> ]34057 - 34116 were doing Bluebird duties today
Talking of Bluebird, has the OFT cleared the proposed take-over or not (it was due to been announced on the 6th), as I have not heard anything. The last time I was in Middleton, there were 6 darts "On Loan".
hasnt the announcement been moved to the end of the month
I know that a announcement is due at the end of the month, regarding the Wigan take-over. So would make sence for both to be announce at the same time.
Something that I forgot to mention is that 21171 R632CVR was broken down at the traffic lights just before the railway bridge next to Wigan North Western heading into Wigan at those traffic lights there with the engine cover open at about 13:50! Also that Asda Golborne thing is always an accident waiting to happen, I have to cross the road there if I get on/off the Leigh-bound 600s and it's actually really dangerous. It needs sorting out!

I heard Charles St. mentioned a few pages above, I thought that depot closed down when the Ashton depot opened?
The depot closed (as in ceased to run services), but the facillities still exist and are used for storage of withdrawn vehicles.
So wait if that's the case for Charles St. What's the case for Daw Bank/ Stockport? I believe that they own two buildings but I'm confused what each one is for... ):
One is the financial HQ for UK Bus (or something like that), while the other is actually the depot.
One is head office for stagecoach manchester as thats the address they use on there buses in manchester operated depots and the other is a depot.
(15/02/2013 17:58)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]One is the financial HQ for UK Bus (or something like that), while the other is actually the depot.
I always see the old training double decker in there though, and some other buses still in service come out of there.