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Seems like 3336 is now withdrawn
(12/04/2013 18:08)B10B6514 Wrote: [ -> ]4074 S244JUA has also returned

That's one of the worst ones!

Oh well, endure them....Sorry, I mean ENJOY themWink
4064 is on 43/46 and so are a couple of palatines,2725 is on PR1 too
(13/04/2013 14:49)skemnational Wrote: [ -> ]4064 is on 43/46 and so are a couple of palatines,2725 is on PR1 too
I seen Renown 2723 on the 44 this afternoon - not sure on whether this is unusual or not.
I saw 3319 On a 43 Today, As well as 764* And 7653 On PR2's Not sure if any of these are unuaul!
214# was on 49s today first time I've seen an enviro in normal service when all the park n rides are out
The four remaining Palatines are still in service and out on schools today, along with one of the DAFs. The other one is out on 43/6s.
DB250s here so for are confirmed as 4064, 4074 and 4094 with another 2 imminent.
(15/04/2013 11:26)B10B6514 Wrote: [ -> ]DB250s here so for are confirmed as 4064, 4074 and 4094 with another 2 imminent.
Well, Bootle's slowest ones were 4064 and 4094 (although I didn't get a chance to ride on 4074 and 4082, so they could also be as sluggish)...!
I rode 4064 on my way home before and it was so sluggish as to be nearly comical. Lord alone knows how it will cope when loaded with 70+ school children!
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