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(09/04/2013 09:54)skemnational Wrote: [ -> ]Unusual allocation today 2624 on 47s 2 marshals and a b10 on 49s 3 step deckers on 43/46 a Marshall on pr1 as well

Marshall 7652 on PR2 as well.
(08/04/2013 20:30)DEM777Y Wrote: [ -> ]3310 on 46 lates tonight, with the upper deck shut off.

Why? Southport has always had an aversion to putting deckers on lates every other big cities or towns never seem to have this problem !
Cadet 2551 was on the 300 on Saturday.
(09/04/2013 13:10)canning road Wrote: [ -> ]Why? Southport has always had an aversion to putting deckers on lates every other big cities or towns never seem to have this problem !

I can only assume it is due to lack of demand. It's a poor allocation for lates anyway being step-entrance.
(09/04/2013 13:39)507009 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09/04/2013 13:10)canning road Wrote: [ -> ]Why? Southport has always had an aversion to putting deckers on lates every other big cities or towns never seem to have this problem !

I can only assume it is due to lack of demand. It's a poor allocation for lates anyway being step-entrance.

Fair enough but why seal the top deck as this would potentially cause more problems for the driver telling people not to go upstairs!
As far as I know the R-WVRs have a door at the base of the stairs which is closed to allow no access to the top deck so the driver wouldn't need to tell passengers anything as they would see the door closed after they board.
(09/04/2013 14:18)CX06 EBK Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know the R-WVRs have a door at the base of the stairs which is closed to allow no access to the top deck so the driver wouldn't need to tell passengers anything as they would see the door closed after they board.
They do, yeah. My mate (driver who's on permanent lates at Bootle) told me that he preferred driving them of a night over the newer 'deckers because the top deck could be shut-off so that the likes of kids can't go up there and start causing trouble.
(09/04/2013 14:31)3111 Wrote: [ -> ]
(09/04/2013 14:18)CX06 EBK Wrote: [ -> ]As far as I know the R-WVRs have a door at the base of the stairs which is closed to allow no access to the top deck so the driver wouldn't need to tell passengers anything as they would see the door closed after they board.
They do, yeah. My mate (driver who's on permanent lates at Bootle) told me that he preferred driving them of a night over the newer 'deckers because the top deck could be shut-off so that the likes of kids can't go up there and start causing trouble.

Swap for a single decker then!
Re step deckers on lates this should not happen but it is allowed,anything the 33,s gone on we should make most if it cos the daf deckers are due anytime there was a delay due to buses being used on the grand national
(09/04/2013 17:11)skemnational Wrote: [ -> ]Re step deckers on lates this should not happen but it is allowed,anything the 33,s gone on we should make most if it cos the daf deckers are due anytime there was a delay due to buses being used on the grand national

Damn! Thought they'd forgotten about sending us those bloody things!
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