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DEM777Y, the problem with Sapphire treatment, assuming we're talking about current stock and nothing new, is that it's only cosmetic. So if the vehicles are already suffering from poor reliability, a Sapphire refurbishment programme would do little to help. I definitely think new vehicles, whether that's hybrids or otherwise, are the way to go with the 375/385 though.
Is it the sort of terrain that the vehicles are now operating in now that is causing the reliability problems , long open stretch's of consistent running , compared to the stop start nature of Speke work which is now taking its toll on the buses .

Until they get to the bottom of whats causing the unreliabilty i wouldnt even go along the lines of new buses .
(22/08/2013 22:00)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]DEM777Y, the problem with Sapphire treatment, assuming we're talking about current stock and nothing new, is that it's only cosmetic. So if the vehicles are already suffering from poor reliability, a Sapphire refurbishment programme would do little to help. I definitely think new vehicles, whether that's hybrids or otherwise, are the way to go with the 375/385 though.

That's true, I'd not thought of that! No point having a lovely shiny bus with leather seats and wi-fi if it keeps conking out all the time :-)
The route should be split in my opinion 375 to concourse 395 to concourse
I do not think that splitting the 375 will work .

The 395 enhances the 375 service it shouldnt be used to replace it .

If you do split the service the 375 probably would not need all the double deckers that Southport have at present .

What part of the present 375 needs Double deckers ?
All of the present 375 needs double deckers - it's a very well used route. If the route were to be split, Southport could easily justify using some of the B7s on the 47/48 which also load well.

Although it isn't the sort of bus Arriva order, the Scania/Enviro400s used on the X2/2X seem to do very well. The routes are relatively similar in that both involve long runs without stopping.
What's the reliability like with Rhyl's Geminis? I've certainly not heard any reports of chronic unreliability but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. If they operate fine there on the 11/G/M, which is just as, if not more, strenuous a route than the 375/385, you wouldn't think there'd necessarily be a need to be a move away from the standard Arriva purchase of integral Geminis - not that something different wouldn't be nice of course!
We hardly ever have a full bus from skem to Wigan anyway so can't see why it wouldn't work
Marshall on 375/385 today
(28/08/2013 12:51)skemnational Wrote: [ -> ]Marshall on 375/385 today

Seen this arriving in Southport at about 16:55
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