This is a question for anybody who understands the operations of the Southport Park and Ride services .
Why does the PR1 not operate on a Sunday
Why does the PR3 only operate on a Sunday.
Is there a special arrangement with the owners of the said car parks.
Also why is the PR2 service so limited in dates when the site is so new .
PR1 does not operate on Sundays during the season (Easter through September) as Sefton Council, the owners, can achieve a higher revenue because of its location to the beach, baths, fairground, etc- therefore PR3 substitutes it as a shoppers car park.
PR2 was originally all year round but was one of Sefton Council's first victims of the savage, inhumane ConDem hatchet. It is only run during school holidays and Sundays (Easter-Sept) by virtue of external European funding.
There should be more in depth explanations on Sefton's website for further research.
4097 is here to replace 4158 which has departed to have its roof removed.
Meaning of course that Bootle once again have no DLA's, what a shame.....
If anyone wants to sample a DLA or 5 having a swansong, Southport's ya place over the Easter kids break. Today 4095 and 4097 were on 43 and 46s today with comrade 4090 on the 49s. Proper decker action on 43s as 4102 and 4106 were on there also.
I caught sight of one of the few remaining Marshall Darts running the much publicised Kew Park & Ride yesterday...... Welcome to Southport!
(23/09/2012 14:30)dave4jackie Wrote: [ -> ]anychance of posting it on here please
(07/04/2014 23:44)B10B6514 Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone wants to sample a DLA or 5 having a swansong, Southport's ya place over the Easter kids break. Today 4095 and 4097 were on 43 and 46s today with comrade 4090 on the 49s. Proper decker action on 43s as 4102 and 4106 were on there also.
Any double deckers out today
Apart from the 375/385 what other routes do the 4100-4107 batch operate on? I'm after 4102/4107 if possible. Thanks.
There is usually a B7TL on the 43/46 from my observations. Fairly unusual to see one on other town routes and extremely rare on the 47/48/300.
I've noticed that the 375 usually has one of its allocated B7TL's but the 385 often has a Pulsar 2 on it for some reason.