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(06/09/2014 15:33)Vbg111v Wrote: [ -> ]It's been reported on the North West Bus Blog, that the new Enviro400's for the 375/85 could be due early next month. It can't come quick enough. The route is in desperate need of new reliable stock.
On that note, I was told this afternoon (quite reliably) that all 8 375/385 B7s were actually on the 375/385 today! Very rare for this to happen due to their reliability issues (if all 8 are out, a few are normally on the 43/46).
One of the VLWs was on the 375/385 today. It looked odd seeing such an old bus out on a Sunday.
Gemini's being described as 'such an old bus' wow starting to feel old at the age of 19!
Well technically by todays standards they are old at 51/02 plates, you are talking 12 1/2 - 13 years old. There was a time when that age was nothing when we had buses lasting in full service to over 20 years old.
(08/09/2014 14:16)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]Well technically by todays standards they are old at 51/02 plates, you are talking 12 1/2 - 13 years old. There was a time when that age was nothing when we had buses lasting in full service to over 20 years old.

Well in my opinion, i think bus designs have slowed down in a way. What I mean by that is a 12-13 year old bus like the Gemini's today can look as modern as a current vehicle even the latest designs from WrightBus etc. however if you compared a current 12-13 year old bus to a 1988-1989 bus. It looks obviously a lot older.
(08/09/2014 16:47)Busser Wrote: [ -> ]Well in my opinion, i think bus designs have slowed down in a way. What I mean by that is a 12-13 year old bus like the Gemini's today can look as modern as a current vehicle even the latest designs from WrightBus etc. however if you compared a current 12-13 year old bus to a 1988-1989 bus. It looks obviously a lot older.

Well, yes i wouldn't argue with that view but the design wasn't what i was getting at, it was age, so all was saying really is that buses used to be in service for more years than they are now.
(08/09/2014 17:12)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]Well, yes i wouldn't argue with that view but the design wasn't what i was getting at, it was age, so all was saying really is that buses used to be in service for more years than they are now.

I did understand I just went off a bit LOL But yeah buses did use to be in service longer which is a shame since the Gemini's could go longer especially being as modern as they are and of course everything is low floor now. Still at least it's not the same madness like London where they use vdl cadets as training buses Undecided
Perhaps the Eclipse Geminis will go on beyond 15 years as it's not unheard of for Arriva. They would follow in the footsteps of the H-GEV Olympians which were 19 when finally retired, and the P-MKLs at Bangor which have only been withdrawn in recent months after around 17 years in use.

Personally, I'd rather the VLWs didn't, but I know they do have their fans on here.
I don't think the vlw's are that much to write home about, they are just ok and nothing more. They are tidy for their age but that is down to the refurbishment. Just my opinion guys, nothing more.
(08/09/2014 14:16)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]Well technically by todays standards they are old at 51/02 plates, you are talking 12 1/2 - 13 years old. There was a time when that age was nothing when we had buses lasting in full service to over 20 years old.

Yeah I wan't disputing that they are old, it just seems weird!
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