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(17/01/2013 22:02)507009 Wrote: [ -> ]Had a ride on 4108 this evening, and have to say it is absolutely excellent. This could be the best of the batch now and, by extension, the best double decker in the ANW fleet.

What I can't understand is that despite it having received P&P, it partly carries one of the Stop Cock full rear adverts that 4119 wore for a time in late 2011. This almost looks like it has been fitted after P&P was carried out, with the advert not extending all the way down. The original Volvo and Alexander Dennis badges remain on the rear, with the rear bumper painted to Interurban standard. I assume this was one of the first of Speke's B7s to receive P&P, perhaps even the very first, and has spent months off the road having returned from St Helens.

There is a difference in paint colour internally, too. The front area upstairs which houses the LED equipment is painted a darker shade of blue than the rest. It was sparkling inside though following another high standard refurbishment.

It was one of the first to get P+Pd and after all the problems its had over the past 6 to 7 months of being off road its still had some problems this week firstly the brakes went and and then followed by a brakedown this week but apart from that its been fine this week and i still need to get it so il be finding it this week.
4122 is back from St Helens after p+p as it was on the 699s to night.
4123 is back from st helens looking really smart it was on the 86 yesterday.
3332 on the 80s today, it still lives on, while there was a Myllenium I think 2462 on the 79s
It started off the day on friday on the 86A and it was on a late board and the driver didnt want it so it got swopped over onto the 80a lates and 2581 got from the 80a onto the 86A.
4108 and 4124 both have turned off 'ghd' adverts, the latter not having any offside advert at all still. Recently returned 4123 was on the 500 today along with 4112 and 4125, although there was a bendy on there at some point too. There was one of the shocking ex Birkenhead Myllenniums on the 86A.
whats going on with the bendies these days? they hardly see service
Myllenium 2461 on the 500 oddly !
(22/01/2013 07:23)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ]whats going on with the bendies these days? they hardly see service

There are usually at least 2 or 3 on the 699 and one or more on the 500, from what I've seen
3332 on the 86s again today!
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