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(09/07/2013 23:42)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ]got the J5 today and as i got on the driver said *dont get to used to this service as its about to get withdrawn so i would looking into another way to go to get to wherever you want to go*

that should confirm its going as i know some people have said its not

All this would mean is that Arriva Shaw Road depot won't be running the contract if it is to continue.
mate if that stays then i would be shocked as apart from myself, forum member ultralow and another one of our friends there was only one man on there and he got of same place as us (kirkby bus station)
Arriva Speke's VDL Wright Commander 2602 CX06 BKN is back from being P&P'd and is on the 82 This Afternoon and i must say is looking absoloutely Stunning.

I have a feeling that 2583 CX06 BHP is next in line for P&P but we will see
4108 also has a Pacific Rim side body ad but still has it's old livery rear end, looks very odd. That and 4119 were both on the 82 today.
(10/07/2013 16:14)CX06BKG2602 Wrote: [ -> ]Arriva Speke's VDL Wright Commander 2602 CX06 BKN is back from being P&P'd and is on the 82 This Afternoon and i must say is looking absoloutely Stunning.

I have a feeling that 2583 CX06 BHP is next in line for P&P but we will see

2602 is CX06 BKG, do you mean 2606 which is CX06 BKN?
(08/07/2013 16:11)Neoplan N4009 Wrote: [ -> ]4114 had broken down on Mather Avenue this afternoon , possible overheat

\same bus broke down on Catharine St this afternoon
Just to clear up the advert situation, 4108 and 4117 are two Pacific Rim advert carriers. 4108's rear bumper looks odd, as if it has been slightly scorched. Is it possible the part was pinched from burnt-out 4118?

The all-over advert carriers retain their wraps, Liverpool Hope in the case of 4112 and 4120 and Vodafone for 4109, 4127, 4128 and 4129.
And 4110, If it does still have it's John Moors add?
4122 has a "Pacific Rim" side advert too, It was one of the first to have it applied
The J routes have a wiff of 73 about them. They will run for 6 months then get chopped.
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