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One thing I've forgotten to mention was the allocation of 2461 to the 86/86A last Saturday. This bus is absolutely dreadful - poor interior, very uncomfortable seats, sluggish and generally rank-bad ride. Miles worse than any of the native Speke bowls, even taking into account the lack of refurbishment. The gap in quality between it and a more usual Volvo B7 is huge.
Ex birkenhead myllennium 2458 Y458KBU was on the first 78 this morning.
On Sunday, ALX400 CX06 EBK (4127) was on the 500:
Had cadet 2551 DK55FYR on the 78 this morning and it had a leaky roof on the drivers side just in front of the 4 seater.
4121 has returned to service following refurbishment and saw use on both the 86/86A and 79/79D today looking resplendent. The upper deck front area is painted a different colour, almost white in shade.
(06/10/2012 23:01)507009 Wrote: [ -> ]4121 has returned to service following refurbishment and saw use on both the 86/86A and 79/79D today looking resplendent. The upper deck front area is painted a different colour, almost white in shade.

I've noticed some of the DLAs are like this also. It's like a very pale blue colour.
Yesterday morning (Saturday) Olympian 3313 was noted at LPY on the 80.
4113 was somewhat unusually on the 79 yesterday (07/10).

I have seen neither of the Airlink-branded Bendis for a long time now; 6005 in particular I don't think has seen any use since before the start of September at least. Sister 6014 has been used spasmodically, but it's been about a month since I last saw it in use. In their place on the 501, 6013 seems to have become a dedicated bus and is almost always on there (and it rides terribly, by the way), while another in the Interurban livery usually completes the allocation. 6005 has been off the road for so long and plagued with reliability problems in the months prior that it might not be too fanciful to suggest it has been withdrawn.
Ex Birkenhead Myllennium 2452 was on the 81A this morning
(07/10/2012 21:56)childwallblues Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday morning (Saturday) Olympian 3313 was noted at LPY on the 80.

Yeah it was on the 80A il up load a few pics of it later !
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